by Davi Birks May 20, 2020

The one with Olly’s Mum…
On this episode of The Lockdown Companion Davi and Olly are joined firstly by a surprise guest, Clare Wilkins (Olly’s Mum) to learn about how accident prone he was as a child, Clare drops some knowledge bombs about bees and shares some hilarious antics carried out by Olly’s grandad. As if that wasn’t enough, Boris ‘Mad dog’ Beyer then joins us to chat about how he’s coping with Lockdown, the stories behind some of his hilarious tattoos, tigers out on the trails, elephants falling out of trains and much more…

There's another incredible cover song by Zeb over on the iTunes, Spotify and Soundcloud version of the podcast too. 

Prefer to watch the entire podcast?

All new HKT Podcast merch store!

Olly's merch store!

Must Follows from this episode:-
@Odub_23, @maddogboris, @thehktpodcast, @zeb_co

Enjoying these Lockdown Companions? 

Davi Birks
Davi Birks

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